The idea that carbohydrates can cause weight gain may be due to the fact that they have an effect on insulin. Insulin helps cells in the body uptake glucose (breakdown of carbohydrates) and use it for energy. White bread, chips, or cake which do not contain fibre and proteins cause blood sugar to rise quickly. Whereas, foods such as: brown rice and legumes contain fibre and proteins, therefore, they cause a slower rise in blood sugar. When eaten in moderation and in accordance with Canada’s Food Guide ¼ of the plate, carbohydrates are an important component in a healthy diet. An example of 2 servings of carbohydrates to incorporate in a meal: 2 slices whole grain bread, 1 cup sweet potato or 2/3 cup brown rice. For a snack, 1 serving of carbohydrate could be: 2/3 cup yogurt, or 1 apple.